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Product Number: EQFU001
Made for use with Somni EPSIII. Magnetic Placement and Positioners included. (*optional tube retainer pictured)


The Single Mouse/Rat Equaflow Nose Cones provide state of the art anesthesia delivery to a subject. The Equaflow Nose Cone has built in scavenging holes that work with Somni Scientific’s EPS-3 or an attenuated in house vacuum system. This safeguards researchers and technicians so they are not subject to noxious, gaseous anesthesia during procedures, keeping users compliant with NIOSH exposure limits. The Equaflow Nose Cones have built in magnetic capability therefor no tape is needed to keep the device in place. The design of the device allows for scavenging of waste gas even if there is no subject utilizing the Nose Cone. The efficiency of the Equaflow Nose Cones allow for users to use lower flow rates providing cost savings of anesthetic agent and oxygen.



Made for use with Somni EPSIII. Magnetic Placement and Positioners included. (*optional tube retainer pictured)

UniFlow Single Mouse/Small Rat Equaflow Nose Cone

  • Safety

    Meets NIOSH standards for waste gas safety, when used properly.

    Hyper branched active scavenging to each nose cone assuring compliance and user safety.

    Hyper branched equal gas delivery to each nose cone prevents animal awakening.

    Animals lay in a flat, natural position during anesthesia (no head torqueing).

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Trading name of Medical Equipment Technical Services Ltd.

Registered company in England and Wales.

Registration Number: 11022644

01535 536502

24 North Street, Haworth, West Yorkshire, BD22 8ER

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